Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Spiritual Practice of Saving Money

What’s holding you back from having the life you want? If you’re like most people, the answer is stress. But what is truly stressing you out? Is it your job, your spouse, your children…or is it money?

We can’t change the fact that life hands us constant challenges, nor should we. These are growth opportunities, whether positive or negative. The growth comes with how we choose to meet these challenges.

But what we can change are all the niggling things in the background. When you can’t sleep at night, what are you thinking about? Commonly, it’s the events of the day. But often enough, it’s that nagging worry about money.

Money. We all have issues with it, seemingly no matter how much or little we earn. But consider this: money is simply energy in material form. The energy of the work that you do is exchanged for the money that you earn.

Nothing more, nothing less.

But that also means that money, as a form of energy, is a part of our spiritual practice. I think followers of most spiritual traditions would agree that balancing all the aspects of our lives – physical-emotional-mental health, spiritual practice, relationships, a clean and pleasant home, career, and community is important.

I’m not sure that many people include finances on that list, but it absolutely should be. How can we have the resources, materially, emotionally and mentally, to live our lives in a healthy manner when our very survival is in question? Of course that sounds dramatic, but most of us don’t live in the woods. Money is essential.

So. Consider efforts toward putting your financial affairs in order as a part of your self-care routine, as a vital part of your spiritual journey to wellness.

Here’s a simple idea that most of us can afford: the 52 Week Money Challenge. This is an image that I came across here on the internet, and it made me realize something: saying that you’re going to save money isn’t nearly as effective as setting dates, amounts and dare I say it, some accountability.

Maybe you’re already a financially responsible citizen. If so, I salute you! Maybe you’re like me, a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person. That’s ok too. Either way, you can benefit from this challenge.

Is there a special project you’ve always wanted to work on? A trip that just won’t get out of your head? Perhaps an offering to your community, church or favorite charity that you’ve always wanted to make? Or would an extra cushion of savings help decrease your stress?

Here’s your chance. With each week that passes, you will be showing yourself that you are valuable. Your dreams matter. Your security is important. Join me – let’s do this thing!

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